Overhead View Of Injured Man With Bandage Hand Filling Insurance Claim Form On Clipboard

After an Accident: The Dos and Don'ts of Working with an Insurance Company

The may feel like the worst has happened: You’ve experienced an injury due to an accident. Maybe it was a car or motorcycle incident; a workplace mishap; or, a slip and fall. Regardless of the circumstances, you’re now faced with some difficult decisions—on top of needing to manage unexpected injuries and recovery. 

Hopefully, you’re managing only a few scrapes and bruises, but your adrenaline is no doubt pumping: What happens now? And, how soon should you reach out to your insurance company?

When it comes to post-accident insurance company calls, you need to be very mindful about what you do and don’t share with your insurer. Your comments could be used against you, and if you’re not careful a well-intentioned, info-sharing phone call to your insurance carrier may end up preventing you from receiving your claim.


The dos and don’ts of working with an insurance company

If you’ve been the victim of an accident, here’s what you should consider—before you reach out to your insurance carrier to discuss making a claim.

  • Avoid calling your insurance company or making any statements immediately after the accident. Instead, take some time to catch your breath and get yourself together. Time will help ensure you’re not in shock or feeling overly stressed (or confused). You’ll want to have a clear head before connecting with your insurance company.
  • When you do connect with your insurance provider, avoid any admission of fault. Keep your emotions and personal opinion out of the conversation. Instead, relay only the facts; state what happened and when. And, if you’re asked a question you don’t know the answer to, don’t try to guess or estimate. Instead, say that you’ll refer to your legal counsel and circle back.
  • Because so many injuries may not surface until days after the accident has occurred, it is wise to refrain from saying you’re uninjured. Additionally, if an insurance company asks you to sign a release allowing them access to your medical files—do not sign. The insurance company may be looking for related medical information, a pre-existing condition, or anything that would give them a reason to deny your claim.
  • Don’t immediately give a written statement or consent to a recorded conversation with your insurance company. Check with your lawyer or legal counsel first, and if they advise that this type of communication is beneficial to your case; then agreeing to a recorded statement can be an acceptable next step.
  • If your insurance company offers a settlement, don’t agree to it without involving the advice of an attorney. You will need a professional to help you discern if any settlement offered to you is fair and financially sound.
  • Keep your private information private. Don’t share the names of family members, your doctors, or anyone you’ve spoken with or consulted about your accident. An insurance agent may try to reach out to those parties for information ahead of you making a formal statement or claim, looking for any medical information that may prevent you from receiving financial reimbursement.
  • One of the most important things to do after an accident is to go slow. Take your time and don’t rush the process. It may feel like hurrying up and getting a claim over with is the preferred course of action. But, this isn’t the case. However, you also need to not wait too long to file. A good personal injury lawyer can help you find the perfect timeline for filing your claim, and help ensure that you’re aligned with your state’s specific statute of limitations.

Getting the help you need

Although accident injuries are vast and varied, one thing is common throughout them all: The events can be stressful, frightening, and confusing. Knowing how best to manage an insurance claim, and in an agreeable timeframe, can add even more stress to the recovery process. Partnering with a personal injury lawyer will help you take a lot of the confusion and guesswork out of the process.

Our team and Wilson William Law is well-versed in helping families and individuals with personal injury issues—particularly insurance claims. Please give us a call today at (888) 253-4071. We look forward to helping you best manage your accident and recovery. 


Note: This blog is intended to be informational only and shall not be construed as legal advice.